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Noticing a growing number of tiny houses built on residences across Eugene lately? They
are known as Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, and there is a reason they are so popular.
Red Umbrella Home and Garage Contractors has worked with numerous clients in
recent years, to design and build their ADU. But what exactly are they, and why might you
want to consider one?

Why an ADU?
Homeowners might want to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) for several compelling
reasons. First, ADUs provide a flexible solution for housing family members, such as aging
parents or adult children, enabling multigenerational living while maintaining privacy and
independence. This setup can enhance family support and care without the need for costly
assisted living facilities.

Secondly, ADUs can generate additional rental income, helping homeowners offset
mortgage payments and other expenses. With Eugene’s significant housing demand,
renting out an ADU can be a lucrative investment. This additional income stream can be
especially beneficial in a market with rising housing costs.

Moreover, ADUs contribute to increasing housing diversity and density without altering the
neighborhood character. They utilize existing infrastructure and reduce urban sprawl,
aligning with sustainable development goals.

Plus, building an ADU can enhance the property’s value, making it more attractive to
potential buyers. The flexibility and added utility of an ADU can set a property apart in a
competitive real estate market. With over 50 years’ experience in the construction
business, Red Umbrella Home and Garage Contractors understands that meeting clients’
expectations includes increasing value in their investment.

Overall, ADUs offer practical and financial benefits, making them an attractive option for
homeowners looking to maximize their property’s potential.

What You Need to Know
Once you’ve determined that an ADU is the right choice for you and your family, the next
step is to choose a general contractor that has expertise and understands the guidelines
that the City of Eugene requires.

Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in Eugene, Oregon, offers a valuable solution to
the city’s housing challenges. The process involves several steps and specific requirements
to ensure compliance with local regulations. The city has implemented several measures to
streamline the construction process and encourage the development of ADUs to address
housing shortages.

General Requirements
1. Size and Location:
– ADUs can be a maximum of 800 square feet or 10% of the lot area, whichever is smaller.
– They are allowed in all neighborhoods, including alley access lots and flag lots.
– There are no minimum lot size or dimension requirements for ADUs.
2. Design Standards:
– ADUs must meet specific design standards but are not subject to broader residential
design standards.
– Pre-approved ADU plans are available to expedite the building permit process.
3. Parking and Occupancy:
– No additional off-street parking is required for ADUs.
– There is no requirement for the owner to occupy either the primary residence or ADU.
4. System Development Charges (SDCs):
– Budget approximately $7,000 for SDCs, which can be financed through the city for up to
10 years. These charges are subject to annual inflation adjustments.
Steps to Build an ADU
1. Select a Design:
– The City of Eugene offers a Pre-Approved ADU Program, featuring multiple architectural
plans that have already been reviewed and approved. This program helps reduce pre-
development costs and expedites the permitting process. Red Umbrella Home and
Garage Contractors has established relationships with the City and thoroughly
understands the process.
– You can choose from a variety of designs, some of which are available for free or at
reduced rates.
– Or you can select your own plan, working with a contractor like Red Umbrella Home and
Garage Contractors, who will follow the guidelines set by the City.
2. Due Diligence:
– Use the ADU Due Diligence Checklist provided by the city to guide you through the
research and cost analysis required for constructing an ADU.
3. Submit Plans and Permits:
– Once you have selected a design, prepare the necessary documents and submit your
building permit application. Be sure to identify your plan as part of the pre-approved ADU
program if applicable.
4. Construction:
– After obtaining the required permits, you can proceed with construction. Ensure
compliance with all local building codes and regulations during this phase.
Contact Information
For assistance with the permitting process, land use, and other requirements, you can
contact the following city departments:
General Permit Information: 541-682-5505, permitinfo@ci.eugene.or.us
Land Use/Zoning: 541-682-8336, landuseinfo@ci.eugene.or.us
Public Works: 541-682-8400, publicworksinfo@ci.eugene.or.us
Residential Building Code: 541-682-5611, residentialpermitinfo@ci.eugene.or.us.
By following these guidelines and utilizing the resources provided by the City of Eugene,
you can successfully navigate the process of building an ADU and contribute to addressing
the local housing shortage. For more detailed information, you can visit the City of Eugene’s
ADU webpage (https://www.eugene-or.gov/4708/Build-an-ADU).
Want to know if an ADU is the right fit for your family?
Call Red Umbrella Home and Garage Contractors to schedule a visit and conversation.