(541) 515 3843

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Eugene, OR

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Home Remodel Project: Fireplace

Looking for a quick remodel project this season to warm up your living room or den? It is winter after all and fireplaces will get the most use during the coldest months. When the fire is a-blazin’ your fireplace becomes the focal point of the room where it resides. This is a great time to […]

Remodel Project: Winterizing

With winter here, it might be time to winterize your home so that you can keep warm and cozy. Winterizing can be a great weekend remodel project or just a quick task list. Here are some ways to upgrade your home for the cold months of winter: Insulation We have a number of older homes […]

Remodeling Jobs: Prayer Room

Finding yourself in need of a quiet place to meditate or pray? You might consider selecting a room or corner of your home as a dedicated Prayer Room. There are many places in your home that could become a Prayer Rooms – from empty bedrooms to quiet nooks where you once stored old books. Easy Remodel Ideas: […]