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Oregon Solar Eclipse

For the first time in 99 years, there will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun across the continental United States! We’ll be especially lucky in Western Oregon, because we will be the first Americans to get a glimpse of the 2017 Eclipse.

The total eclipse will first be visible from land shortly after 10:15am PDT at Oregon’s Pacific Coast and then will continue east through the state. We’ll also see a partial eclipse leading up to the event, beginning around 9:00am that morning.

That Monday is a workday, but you can’t skip out on our first Total Solar Eclipse since 1918. Let’s have a party!

If you’re looking to view the solar eclipse, here are a list of local places where you can gather with your community to watch:

But you don’t have to go anywhere to celebrate the solar eclipse. How about a Total Eclipse party right in your back yard? Set up a potluck table in the garage filled with yummy brunch goodies, and coffee from The Wandering Goat. Spread out the lawn chairs, crank up the stereo, bring out the guitars for a jam session and get ready to see something that you literally can only experience once in a lifetime!

Here’s a link to a video to make your own viewfinder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWMf5rYDgpc