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If you follow a practice of yoga, you know how important it is to develop a regular schedule for your practice. Having an at-home yoga studio will make it that much easier to adhere to your practice. You don’t have to drive anywhere, you don’t have to pay monthly dues at a yoga center. You don’t have to share your space with anyone else.

But your home has its own messes and distractions that can detract you from getting into the yoga mood. A great alternative is creating a yoga studio in your garage!

A Garage Yoga Studio can help you deepen your commitment to your yoga practice. Separate the distractions and chaos of your home from your daily yoga and meditation by using your garage for your personal yoga practice.

By creating a Garage Yoga studio, you’re able to design the space that will work best for your personal needs. You’ll be able to choose the materials, lighting and environmental factors that will help you get in the mood to OM.

First, to clean and prepare your garage for your redesign, please read the following blog. Think it’s a bigger project than you can tackle yourself? Contact Red Umbrella Services at 541.545.3843 if you’d like to work with a professional contractor with experience transforming garages into meaningful personal spaces.


A cold space inhibits flexibility. An uninsulated yoga studio will be uncomfortable during both winter and summer months. Install insulation and drywall, plus caulking and other weather-sealing to protect against drafts. Recycled denim is an excellent insulation, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation. It’s also made without VOC’s and will protect landfills. It also happens to be better at acoustics as well, so that your studio is free of distracting noise.


Flooring is particularly important for a Garage Yoga Studio, since yoga requires you to be on the floor for your practice. Bamboo or cork floors are softer alternatives to wood or other hard flooring options. Or, could go with click-in-place flooring tiles available in a variety of colors and options.


We are all motivated and calmed by particular colors, so choose your color palette wisely. You could just install wood panels for a warm and welcoming feel. Light colors will reflect natural light better. Add touches of soft, welcoming colors like throw pillows for the floor, natural wood diffusers for scent and your favorite stoneware mugs for green tea.


Natural light can be a soothing element in any yoga studio, but it depends on what is available to you and your garage. Skylights are a great option to add natural light to your space. If you need electric light in your new yoga garage studio, we definitely encourage you to get rid of the harsh overhead lights you previously used. Instead, choose subtler, softer light fixtures.

Red Umbrella Services loves the idea of a home studio in your garage and are happy to consult with you on your remodel!